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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Genetic Hair Loss

Hair loss is the most dreaded problem among humans as it directly affects the person’s outlook. Hair loss can be caused by a number of things like using harsh chemical soaps, shampoos, gels, stress or imbalanced diet. Certain illness can also cause hair. These are all causes in hair loss but the most common type of hair loss that affects approximately 95% men and 70% women is known as hereditary hair loss also known as Genetic hair loss. Genetic hair loss is more commonly observed among males than females and usually starts at the age of 30. The reason for this is that this type of hair loss depends on the extent to which the male hormone testosterone is converted in the scalp to another hormone dihydroxytestosterone. Although genetic hair loss takes place usually after the age of 30 in many cases but in some cases it starts to happen as early as your late teens. Genetic hair loss comes usually from the mother’s side of the family.

Genetic hair loss occurs due to the shortening of the hair's growth cycle, this in turn makes the hair thinner and shorter, and a time comes when the growth stalls completely. It is also responsible for developing bald patches and interacts with the hair follicles. The hereditary hair loss has a very predictable pattern, which is often followed from generation to generation so you can predict by seeing your father and his father how you will go. By the time men reach 50 years of age 50% of the men become bald. In case of men hair loss usually occurs on the crown or the top of the head starting with a receding hairline and leaving healthy hair on the back and sides of the head.

Through certain preventive measure people can slow down the process of baldness. These include using products that make the hair healthy and avoid certain things that damage hair and make them weak, as weak hair fall of easily.

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